The Hidden Girl - Book Tour

The Hidden Girl
Robert Stelljes

#bookrecommendation #BOOKREVIEW #bookouture #bookontour #booktour #thriller #thehiddengirl

This book takes you by the eyeballs and sucks you in. Immediate action - there is no build; there is no pause.
Two men stun and tie-up Dan and Heidi, torture and kill. Dan's daughter, Cara, rushes home already past curfew. She finds her dead parents - and the killers. After  hiding the woods for hours, Cara finally returns to her home and calls the police.
Tori and Braddock are called to the horrifying scene; Tori using her own victim experience to calm and sooth Cara, pulling vital details.
As they begin the investigation into the Newman's lives, this scene rings vaguely familiar. And then another gruesome death. 
Buried secrets are brought to light - questioning the integrity of not only the now Sheriff Cal, but also Tori's father.
Great fast moving plot, some slow sections. Great characters, good twists and lots of oh moments.


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