Our Little Secret - Review

Our Little Secret
Kiersten Modglin, Author
#ourlittlesecretbook #KierstenModglin #guiltypleasurebook #guiltypleasure #mustread #books #bookreview #thrillerbooks
Guilty read that delivers!
Kiersten keeps her reputation of hard ending twists and gasp out loud moments!
In a small town, a wife is murdered; a husband is missing; two people commit adultery; and that is just in the first fifty pages.
Jude is called to the lake - Stephanie convinced she saw a car drive into the lake, or a person fall in. She's so tired from working two jobs to support herself and sons after her husband just walked out.
Jude's wife, Michelle, is convinced her family's secret is about to be reveled.
But Stephanie retracts her statement. Just a misunderstanding.
Why would Stephanie makeup a story? What does she think is in the lake? What else could she be hiding.
This plot just consumed me - I can't even tell you how the story progressed; it just did.
Told from multiple points of view, this plot moves - dragging you along with shocks, disgusting behavior and all the reasons we want to peak in our neighbor's windows.


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