His Loving Wife - Book Tour

His Loving Wife
Miranda Smith
#bookouture #BookReview #booktour #bookreview #hislovingwife #MirandaSmith

I often find myself wondering what I would do in various emergency situations - including a home invasion. Will I freeze? Will I fight? Sacrifice myself for my family? Am I strong enough to win the battle?
A year ago, Willow and Andrew experienced a home invasion. Willow told her children to get out of the house to safety while catching the intruder off guard. This decision not only ensure the safety of her children, but also Willow was able to scare the intruder into leaving.
Months later they learn the intruder's identity - Paul, Willow's ex from college. Willow takes on the guilt of starting the chain of events - Paul and Willow ran into each other weeks before the invasion.
Andrew deals with the guilt of freezing - seeking an online community to cope.
The family goes on a beach vacation - yet Willow can't help feeling something weird is going on.
This plot definitely held my attention - the dynamics between parents and children, the impact of such a stressful event on a healthy marriage. Lots of positivity regarding seeking therapy for all members of the family.


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