These Toxic Things - Book Review

These Toxic Things
Rachel Howzell Hall
#mustread #books #bookrecommendations #bookreview #thesetoxicthings #rachelhowzellhall

Finished in a day - fast paced, well written, captured my attention and held in like an obsession.
Mickie creates memory boxes - as a digital archeologist, Mickie archives a client's memories, providing a detailed history of the item as well as the story of acquisition/importance/etc.
Little old ladies have the best secrets - and Mickie cannot wait to unlock Nadia's.
Nadia has owned a curiosity shop for decades - she carefully selected a few items for her memory box, wrote quick notes. And then she died.
Her death is suspicious, gossip swirling around the little strip mall.
Mickie works on Nadia's box while becoming immersed in the small community of shop owners. What really happened to the shop's original owner? Is the local developer knocking off shop owners to buy up the land? Why do the women referenced in Nadia's notes continue to show up in a missing person database?
And then of course there is the stalker, Mickie's dead relationship with her boss, Nadia's son, and the suspicion Mickie's parents are lying.
Highly recommend.


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