For Your Own Good - Review

For Your Own Good
Samantha Downing

#foryourowngood #samanthadowning

Fast paced plot, short chapters and multiple points of view help flush out the characters.
Belmont has an amazing reputation - the best teachers, wealthy students who go on to become leaders, doctors, etc. Until people start dying.
During a teacher's ten year celebration, a student's mom drops dead.
Teddy - long time English teacher and Teacher of the Year recipient, accidently poisoned the wrong person. He meant to only cause Sonia - Mrs B, a revered teacher and former pupil of Belmont, some discomfort. During her ten year celebration. In front of the entire school and staff. No worries.
Zach, a wealthy yet loved by all his other teachers, can't seem to catch a break with Mr Crutcher, aka Teddy.
Fallon loathes Mr Crutcher - he ruined her life by sending in a letter of reference with her college applications accusing her of plagiarism, stating Fallon is clearly not capable of producing high quality work.
Belmont is beyond a hot mess as more death ensue, arrests and Teddy just getting it all wrong.
Great read.


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