Bring Her Home - Book Tour

I LOVED this book - creepy, Celtic history and legend, serial killers grooming killers. Just WOW for me.

Bring Her Home
S A Dunphy
#booktour #bringherhome #bookouture #fivestarreview #mustread #sadunphy

Chilling. Creepy.
I had to take breaks, savor each word.
Kessie returns to Ireland after the devastating loss of her long time partner and lover.
Ireland's Commissioner cashes in a favor - dragging Jessie into a kidnapping case.
Penny,  daughter of previous Ireland leader, is kidnapped on her way back to her hotel.
Joined by Seamus and Terry,  Jessie pushes to solve before the deadline of Halloween.
Not to mention serial killer mentors,  Celtic legends.
What a great book!


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