The Hotel at Honeymoon Station - Review

Why have I not read this author before? 
Sweet story about two women, friendship,  dreams and finding your place. 
Emma has been mothering all those in her life since her mother's unexpected death - Emma was 8 and just wanted to make everything ok. Including being a mom for her younger sister,  born shortly before their mother's death.  
Her sister moves to Iceland. Her dad insists he is independent.  All that is left is facing her poor work and engagement relationships. 
Struggling with her defining her own needs, Emma liberally runs into Tia - a high school acquaintance about to start her life over. Tia wants to buy Honeymoon Station- renovate into a boutique hotel.  
Emma jumps in. 
Though all in the small town are not pleased with their presence,  the women stride forward.  As does Emma's self confidence.  
Sweet story, easy read with lovely people. 


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