I Don't Forgive You - Review


Allie finds herself living in a suburban nightmare- surrounded by mom cliques and no way to join.  
At neighborhood party, Allie sits by herself, wondering how her husband can just start talking and make instant friends. While watching Mark, Rob stands next to Allie and starts to flirt. When he utters her high school nickname,  Allie walks away. Only for Rob to push her back into the bathroom, push her against the sink and begin to grope her. As she flees the bathroom, Mark comes up the stairs,  to see them both stumble out. Rob makes a snide comment to stay off Tinder. 
Allie grabs Mark and leads him home,  reassuring him it was just an altercation all women find themselves. 
In the morning- Rob is dead. 
Sucked me in. Not just the plot. But a woman's entire experience after an assault.  Shame. Loss of diginity and privacy.  Her actions displayed. No repercussions for revenge porn. Primarily,  Mark's reaction to the assault and someone targeting Allie. 
The ending - I was hoping for more.
Great book.


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