Ugly Cry - Review

This book - emotional rollercoaster. Amazing writing. One of the best memoirs I have read. Ever. 
As a survivor of child abuse including sexual abuse, oh this book hit all the feels. Reading saved me as well - books, thirst for knowledge and good grades in school as a means to freedom. 
This book is a love letter - not only to her younger self but to her grandmother.  Breathtakingly gorgeous and emotional.  
Danielle recounts her first 18 years as a forty something adult. Her mother's return to her mother's house with Danielle's older brother, pregnant belly.
Danielle's life consisted of her grandmother's house for the first few years,  until her mother moved them into an apartment. Later she begins dating Luke - the man of violence and abuse. 
Until finally at the age of 10, Danielle is dumped at her grandmother's; a temporary solution that became long term, granting Danielle the love, stability and safety she desperately needed. 
The love, laughter, sadness,  abuse. 
The harsh honesty of this book.
One of the best books I've read. 


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