Savage Instinct - Review

I've noticed a trend towards women speaking their truth in the last dozens of books I've consumed.  Or at least more honesty regarding women's lives. This book certainly adds to this theme. 
It is a well known fact women were placed in asylums as a way for the men in their life putting them aside- daughters, wives, sisters difficult to control,  men lusting after their inheritances, or simply because they felt inferior.  Not to overlook the  women with mental health issues who genuinely needed help.  But let's be real. The health care system has been failing women for generations.  
Clara is finally released from an nightmare asylum when a new doctor takes over patient care.  She had given birth to a still born baby after a hard labor and several miscarriages.  In 1870s England, a woman's duty was marriage and children. Clara was failing - and being punished accordingly.  
Upon her return to her husband,  who moved them to a new town while in care, Clara struggles to speak,  form relationships, to exist while recovering not only from the loss of her child but also months of abuse at the asylum.  
Henry is enthralled with his boss, the Dean of Mathematics at his university in Durham. His wife, Emma, is of course the perfect embodiment of womanhood. 
Taken under wing, Clara begins the charity work of the Bible to female prisoners,  including the notorious poisoner awaiting trial.  Mary Ann poisoned husbands and children- allegedly,  without discrimination.  And her current pregnancy grants her clemency. 
Clara's obsession continues to grow as Henry's intention to have her committed yet again becomes clear.  
Excellent portrait of women struggling to have just a moment of freedom at any cost.


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