Ask No Questions - Review

Great twists,  shocking ending! 

The tragic death of eight year old Kelly Doherty is about to reach the 25th anniversary.  Ingrid and her classmates carry the affects every day. 

1994 in Derry, Ireland a young girl goes missing Halloween night. Children no longer allowed to play in the neighborhood,  free to roam - parents strictly telling their kids to come home right after school.  
Twins Declan and Niall are restless - they head into the woods to their fort to let go of some energy.  They trail the reservoir- and stumble upon Kelly's body.  
The 25th anniversary is looming - journalist Ingrid wants to write a story, about her neighbor Kelly, her parents. Her editor insists she keep it short- but Ingrid wants to talk to convicted killer, Jamesy, who is still crying his innocence.  
As Ingrid attempts to write her story,  she becomes a target- her car window smashed, her apartment broken into.  What really happened to Kelly? 

Thank you to Netgalley, Avon, Harper Collins Publishers for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review. 


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