The Great Gatsby - Review

I truly enjoyed revisiting this classic. Of course I read it in high school - one of the first books to be picked apart; symbolism,  foreshadowing,  wealth,  status.  
Twenty years later and for the purpose of leisure certainly lent a different perspective.  
I am left with the concept of stunted growth. 
Gatsby spending years to mass a fortune worthy of Daisy's attention. Tom climaxed in college with his football career, everything else just a disappointment.  Myrtle suffers from boredom and withers in her husband's garage.  A golf pro who constantly lies - stuck in an adolescent phase, spurning love affairs. 
Shakespeare tragedy in the 1920's.
The affects of returning from The War to End All Wars lurks in the background. Nick, our narrator, feels his hometown is too small, too isolated after seeing war, Europe, death. He is the catalyst, sparks the pinnacle and tragedy of Gatsby's life. 
The waste of wealth in the Roaring 20s certainly speaks to our current economic plight. Distribution of wealth certainly hasn't changed in one hundred years.  This could be the real tragedy of Fitzgerald's novel. Race inequality, massive riots in Chicago again speaks to the timelessness of this novel. 


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