The Harpy - Review

The ending - really.  As much as I enjoy a vague, poetic ending - this one seriously challenged me. It made me question my entire understanding of the book. I may have to read it again just to delve deeper.  
Infidelity.  Male Infidelity. 
Lucy receives a voicemail on an normal, average, carting the children around, making meals day. A man informs Lucy her husband, Jake, is having an affair with his wife.  Though Jake is often late home from work,  Lucy has never questioned Jake's behavior.  
Lucy was exposed to domestic violence as a young child- warping her sense of power, forgiveness. These memories are reviewed while Lucy tries to forgive Jake, to move on. 
Jake agrees Lucy can hurt him three times. Lucy chooses violence, control, fear to forgive her husband . 
A part of me doesn't think she is wrong.  Lucy doesn't understand how to work through her anger, depression,  sense of safety. She must rob Jake of his. 
Lucy's obsession with harpies from a young age through college provide self exploration,  vindicating Lucy's three forms of harm. 
Aren't women the root of all the world's problems? 

#NetGalley #TheHarpy


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